CityCoast Care is the social action arm at CityCoast, supporting projects and initiatives run in partnership with local charities. Jesus encouraged us to love our neighbour; serving those most vulnerable and in need. Micah 6:8 encourages us to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly. We believe our calling is to take responsibility, love how Jesus loves and walk in humility helping others find Jesus. CityCoast Care is about carrying the heart of God to those most in need – it’s not just something we do, it’s who we are.
Tea. Time. Talk. is an incredible monthly afternoon tea for the elderly in our community. We have the privilege of running these events in partnership with the local charity ‘Time to Talk Befriending’. At Tea. Time. Talk. we are passionate about creating a welcoming and safe environment where older people of our local community can meet and build meaningful relationships. If you’d like to get involved please click on the ‘Serve’ button below. We would love for you to join our team, either as a table host or serving teas & coffees to our guests - together we can build community around friendship, tea and cake.
Christmas can be a difficult time for many people; especially for those who are lonely, vulnerable or experiencing crisis. Love Christmas is a national initiative delivered at a local level that aims to show love and kindness to neighbours through the simple act of giving a gift. For Christmas 2021, CityCoast Care will be partnering with churches and organisations across the UK to deliver gifts of kindness to those most in need. In 2020 we played our part by donating towards a local organisation who put together beautiful hampers, however this year we are excited to be creating the hampers under CityCoast Care. This project will be a catalyst to our partnership with a local hostel that we will be serving and looking at ways to support in the coming months. If you would like to get involved in anyway with this project, please see the buttons below.
Subscribe to our monthly email to keep updated with all that is happening within CityCoast Care. Here you will find points for prayer as well as updates on current projects. Please click the button above to subscribe.
We are incredibly thankful for every person who feels to give towards the projects we run through CityCoast Care. Your giving makes a huge difference to the impact we are able to make today and in the future. Please click the button if you would like to give monthly or make a one-off donation.
One of the greatest ways we can play our part in the vision of CityCoast Care is serving. Especially with the run up to Christmas and further projects in the new year, we would love to have you involved in whatever capacity you have. Please click the button above to let us know where you may be interested in serving and what capacity you have.
To impact our community, we rely heavily on the kindness and generosity of those who support CityCoast Care, such as fundraising. Perhaps you run marathons, bake cakes, do sponsored swims, run coffee mornings or even parachute jumps; however you may like to fundraise we would be honoured to partner with you. Please click the button above to see our Just Giving page.